연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English)
발표장 제8회장 (104)
논문코드 1O8-14
발표일 2018-10-11
발표시간 17:05-17:20
논문제목 Electrochromic Capacitive Windows Through Charge Balancing of Conjugated Polymer layers
발표자 김영훈
발표자 소속 연세대학교
저자 김영훈, 한민수, 김진보, 김은경
소속 연세대학교
논문초록 The electrochromic displays (ECDs) are able to modulate their optical transmittance by applied voltage. Their energy saving features such as low-power consumption, and excellent optical memory effect enable them to provide as smart windows. Recently, we have investigated poly(3,4-propylenedioxythiophene) derivatives (PRs) to achieve high color contrast and bistability. Further, precise control on the potential at electrodes afforded high stability, and low-power consumption. Through the relationship on the thickness and the potential at each electrode, we could design a charge transfer mechanism. This mechanism was applied on the electrochemical capacitors along with high energy density and power density. The energy stored in ECDs could be transferred to the other electronics. In this process, the remaining energy in the ECDs could be confirmed by their color. For the future, this strategy presents a new path to achieve various electrochemical devices for multiple functions.